Quality, Powerful

Results Driven, Genuine

Chiropractic Care

Santa Ana, CA

At Modernized Chiropractic we give you the tools to optimize your health and to live an active life FREE from pain!!

Meet the Chiropractor

  • Mitchell Trujillo DC

    My name is Mitchell Trujillo, and I’m a chiropractor who specialize in Active Release Technique. I decided to become a chiropractor after I had been treated by several chiropractors who really disappointed me. Some of them would push long-term packages on me, saying that I needed to come in several times per week for a million weeks to get better, and others would ”crack” me in 2 minutes then send me on my way, just to do the same adjustments on the next person. I always felt that the chiropractor would rush through my visits every single time (if you’ve been to a chiropractor, chances are you can relate). One thing that all of these chiropractors had in common was that not a single one of them would work any tight or achy muscles I had, which was either laziness or lack of knowledge (probably both).

    I’m a chiropractor who takes pride in doing the complete opposite to what was described above. After the first visit with me, which is 45-60 min, I spend around 30 minutes on each client. Why? Because that’s what I want for myself when I need chiropractic work.

    My goal with each treatment is to get you to a place where you don’t need me. It’s simple, I really like you (I usually do), but I don’t want to see you all the time! So, I need to get you back to living pain-free as fast as possible.

Our Expertise

  • Chiropractic

    Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that cares for your spine. The main reason behind a chiropractic adjustment is to increase a joint’s ability to move (we have hundreds of joints in our bodies). We prefer to say that we release areas (joints) with chiropractic adjustments that have been stuck for some time to allow them to move as they should. Chiropractic is great, but there’s more to releasing or ”unlocking” joints that aren’t moving as they should - this is where soft tissue care (ART) comes into play.

  • Active Release Technique

    ART is a non-invasive treatment for soft tissue injuries, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. This amazing technique works great for treating pains and aches stemming from over-use injuries, sprains, strains, and many, many other complex disorders. If you have pain, it’s very likely that ART can get you back on track. Most professional sports teams today (in the NBA, NHL, and NFL and others) incorporate ART on their athletes, which speaks for itself. Luckily, Dr. Mitchell is one of the few actively licensed ART providers in all of Orange County, CA.

    For more information about ART, visit their website by clicking here

  • Homework Exercise Program

    In order for you (or anyone for that matter) to reach your optimal health, exercise is one of the most important factors that will decide your success (or lack of it). If you already understand how to exercise CORRECTLY, then you’re miles ahead of most people in regards to staying away from the chiropractor’s office.

    If we wanted our clients to come back several times per week for an infinite amount of time (which would make us tons of money) we would NOT offer any advice on how to exercise correctly, but that’s just mean.

    At this office, you will receive either advice on exercises to incorporate, or if requested a full tailored exercise program to your specific needs and goals.


What to Expect

  1. Schedule your FREE consultation online

The easiest way for you to schedule your FREE consultation will be to click on one of the three buttons on this website that says ”Schedule Visit Now”, or click on the picture above. From there, pick a date and time that fits you best, and fill out the forms prior to coming in to the office. There will NEVER be any hidden fees at this office.

If you prefer to call or email to schedule your FREE consultation, feel free!


2. Show up for your FREE consultation

The purpose of this visit is for you to provide us with as much information as possible about your pain/dysfunction, just so that we can understand the true cause of it. Also, during this visit Dr. Mitchell will explain IF and HOW he can help you. There are absolutely no strings attached with this visit, and the visit is for your benefit only!

3. New client visit + follow up visit(s) - if needed

If you and Dr. Mitchell agree on continuing on with the New Client visit, that will happen during the same day as the FREE consultation.

If needed, you’ll show up for your follow up visit(s) during the next few days. At this office we ALWAYS recommend the least amount of visits for the client to reach their optimal health. The goal is for you to NOT need us!

4. Embrace well deserved symptom relief!

Enjoy your life with friends and family with less pain and dysfunction. Let’s not forget, the reason you’re interested in our services is to get rid of some type of pain or dysfunction so when that happens, learn how to prevent flare-ups, enjoy it and set new goals!

Only come back to the office when you have suffered an injury again, or if you just want to say hi.

Treatment Videos

Frequently Asked Questions

Why don’t we accept insurance?

We don’t want insurance companies to dictate how long we can see a patient during a visit. Generally, insurance companies pay the chiropractor a certain amount (usually very low), for a certain amount of time (usually not very long). This results in double, triple, quadruple bookings of patients to make ends meet for the practitioner, which benefits nobody. We want to give our clients their fully deserved attention throughout the entire visit - not running between rooms to accommodate as many clients as possible at the same time.

What’s the history of chiropractic?

The first person to clearly describe a spinal manipulation that we have proof of today happened a few hundred years B.C. by Hippocrates. He believed ”to look to the spine for the cause of disease”. Manual adjustments of body and spine have been around for a long time, but it wasn’t until the late 1800’s when chiropractic was officially founded by D.D. Palmer. Comically, he claimed to having restored the hearing of a deaf janitor with a chiropractic adjustment (haha, I know). Palmer even wanted to make chiropractic a religion, but thankfully, that never happened. For the next hundred years, chiropractic branched out and became very different from its crazy beginnings.

What’s the history of Active Release Technique?

ART was created by Dr. Michael Leahy, who had grown frustrated with the lack of success in treating soft tissue injuries. Traditionally, soft tissue treatments have centered around medication, heat, cold, rest, and massage (and still does) - many times without any progress. In the 1980s he built a system for treating each muscle, tendon, ligament, fascia and nerve in the entire body.

ART is NOT massage. Massage is great, but it’s very general. In ART, specific soft tissues are identified as problematic, and are then treated. There’s no reason to treat a structure that is completely fine.

What conditions can be treated at this office?

If you have pain, tightness, and/or restricted range of motion in any part of your body, then you are most likely a great candidate for ART and/or chiropractic. If you need a different type of treatment, Dr. Mitchell will be quick to refer you to someone who can help you.

At this office, we typically see clients for the following:

Back pain relief, mid-back pain, lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, knee pain, ankle pain, hip pain, headache relief, whiplash injuries, stiffness, tightness, relief for sciatica, pain and spine management, herniated disc/disk treatment, auto accidents, sports injuries, tweaks, and many other conditions!

Do I have to be in sports to be treated at this office?

Absolutely not! As explained above, if you have pain, tightness, and/or restricted range of motion in any part of your body, then you are most likely a great candidate for ART and/or chiropractic.

Do you accept walk-ins?

Yes, we do! However, please know that Dr. Mitchell could be busy when you walk in, so make an appointment through one of the links on this website, or call in to be sure!


We are conveniently located inside of a physical therapy office in Santa Ana, CA called Optimum Care Therapy. The address to the office is 2014 North Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92706.

There’s plenty of parking at the back of the building.


Get Started With Dr. Mitchell Today